Hệ thống hội nghị không giấy d7600 của chúng tôi đã được áp dụng cho viện nghiên cứu cây trồng cận nhiệt đới Quảng Tây ở khu tự trị dân tộc CHOANG Quảng Tây.
Nền dự án
Viện nghiên cứu cây trồng cận nhiệt đới Quảng Tây (gscri) chủ yếu tham gia vào công việc nghiên cứu, chẳng hạn như thu thập và bảo tồn tài nguyên mầm cây trồng nhiệt đới và cận nhiệt đới, lựa chọn và nhân giống các giống cải tiến, trồng trọt năng suất cao, chế biến nông sản, Đánh Giá, kiểm tra và thử nghiệm Rủi Ro chất lượng và an toàn.
In order to meet the requirements of the institue for daily discussion and report on research work, we design a high-efficient conference solution for the institute with our D7600 paperless conference system, D6201 intelligent digital conference system and D6108 2K HD seamless hybrid matrix system.
Our D58 series wireless microphone system can be used when there is a report or sharing session on the tropical and subtropical crops research. The speaker can use the wireless microphone to make a speech and share the latest research result to the attendees.
With the central control system put into the conference room of the institute, the on-site environment can be easily controlled, such as setting the volume of speakers and adjusting the direction of tracking cameras.
No.1 D7600 Paperless Conference System
D7600 Paperless Conference System is specially designed for modern multimedia conference. It can support such functions as sign-in, conference files sharing, voting, and discussion, in an attempt to realize paperless conference.
Based on ARM9 embedded system platform, D62 series Digital Conference System adopts high-performance DSP technologies and Hi-Fi circuit design to realize a comprehensive solution with digital control, high-level audio transmission and visualized operation.
The system can easily realize conference recording throughout the whole process and can be connected to a PC to realize remote conference control and it supports wireless control via an Android tablet.
As a leading audiovisual manufacturer, we are dedicated to R&D and technology-driven innovation. Thus, We are pleased to be involved in this project to facilitate the research work on tropical and subtropical crops and enhance the awareness of research and development.